
“At Jemini, the staff really listen. In other places they didn’t listen. It’s refreshing, they encourage him to make decisions. Before he was deprived of this type of learning.”

– a relative via the CQC report

“I am always impressed by the calm and friendly atmosphere that pervades when I visit, although there are occasional outbursts which are always effectively and calmly handled by the staff team.”

– A visiting professional via the CQC report

"People’s nutritional needs were assessed. They were supported to eat a wide range of healthy, freshly cooked meals, drinks and snacks each day."

– CQC report

Hannah Bradley – Specialist Speech and Language Therapist & External Trainer

“I provide training to the Jemini staff team in oral health and care for adults with learning disabilities. The commitment of all staff in this area of a person’s dignity, wellbeing, physical health and quality of life has been remarkable. I have found staff to be engaging and dedicated when discussing how to overcome challenges they have encountered. Jemini Response shows a commitment to ensuring that all aspects of the person’s care needs are considered and supports the staff to advocate and promote health and skill development in this key area.”

Jemini Response

Based in East Sussex, Jemini Response is a small local community-based service for residents with Autism and learning Disabilities. We focus on choice, empowerment and dignity by improving life chances and creating opportunities.