
In late February 2024, Eloise, a spirited and engaging young woman, embarked on an exciting new chapter in her life by joining the Jemini Response community. Previously, under the dedicated care of her sister Jade, who had been her primary guardian, the decision to transition to a new living environment was approached with thoughtful consideration. Jade’s priority was to find a community that echoed her own commitment to providing Eloise with a nurturing, supportive, and opportunity-rich environment.

The search led her to Jemini Response, a community known for its personalised care and warm atmosphere. Eloise’s vibrant personality shone through during her initial meeting with Gez and Greg from Jemini, who were immediately taken by her humour and infectious enthusiasm. This initial connection laid the groundwork for a hopeful outlook on her integration into the community.

To tailor Eloise’s transition as smoothly as possible, Amanda, the deputy of 52 Summerheath at Jemini, along with team members Charley and Lauren, developed a comprehensive support plan centred on Eloise’s specific needs and preferences. Their strategy included continuous collaboration with Jade, ensuring that every detail of Eloise’s care was aligned with her personality and lifestyle. Lauren, who became Eloise’s key worker, played a pivotal role in this process, designing a living space that reflected Eloise’s tastes and arranging activities that suited her vibrant personality.

Eloise’s multiple visits prior to her move were crucial in building her confidence about this significant life change. By the time she officially moved in, she had already formed strong bonds with key members of the staff, including Amanda and Lauren, who had made efforts to visit her at her previous home and at college.

Now a highly regarded member of the Jemini community, Eloise thrives in her new surroundings. Her caring nature and love for social interaction make her a favourite among staff. Whether she’s visiting play parks or interacting with animals, Eloise’s zest for life is evident. Her ability to light up any room with her smile and humour has made her a valued addition to the community.

Keeping in touch with Jade is still a vital part of her routine, with nightly phone calls and regular visits. These moments are precious, reinforcing the strong family ties that continue to support Eloise’s journey.

As Eloise continues to build her confidence and find her footing within this supportive setting, it’s clear that her journey is just beginning. The staff at Jemini Response eagerly anticipate witnessing her continued growth and are committed to supporting her every step of the way. Although it’s early days, Eloise is already showing signs of flourishing further, embracing the freedom to express herself more with each passing day.